Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week 3- 5 Photo Line Assingment

Quinn Niego
January 22, 2017

This key chain is filled with a variety of lines. The key loops are circular, while the keys themselves are formed by organic and somewhat random lines. There are also geometric lines found within the keys that show the car companies. The wooden surface they are on show natural and organic lines that range from thick to thin.

This photo of a stop sign and tile floor is mostly formed of geometric lines too. These fine and straight lines create definite shapes that are recognizable. The title, however, has some smudges areas which are created by thick and blurry lines. Most of the lines in this picture are precise and fine, but when one looks closely there are also messier lines found within the tile.

This photo of a fan shows mostly straight and curved lines that are geometric. They are equally spaced and form a pattern. One can see the shapes that they create fairly clearly. The lines are defined and clear too.

This photo of a laptop portrays a variety of lines too. The laptop itself consists mainly of detailed geometric lines that create specific shapes. The charger is more flowing and organic in nature. The board behind the laptop is patterned by lines if one looks close, but it is also randomized by the wear is has undergone. The lighting has also created some shadow lining throughout the photo.

This tent and nature photo consists of some geometric lines, but mostly organic and natural lines. The tents is shaped by straight lines, but also has random lines from its creases. The trees in the back are distant, but they are shaped by organic lines that appear to heavy because of the distance. The garage has fine horizontal lines and the grass has random straight and curved lines.

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