Sunday, April 30, 2017

Final Project

Quinn Niego
April 30, 2017

Here are my three final pieces that are war themed. Each piece itself is associated with war and they all are sequenced together as well. In the first piece their is a soldier firing a rock launcher. In the next piece, the soldier is on the ground (implying death). In the third piece, the soldier is gone and all that remains is the helmet. Another theme I tied in was the economic advantages that go along with war. This is shown by the dollar signs that represent the smoke coming from the rocket launcher.

I used my photo as the the background. I used Photoshop to make it unsaturated and blurry to let the soldier and other aspects stand out.  The solder, rocket launder, and helmet were made using Illustrator and the cutting machine. They are the focus of the piece (specifically the soldier) and are therefore larger and in the foreground. I used a dark hue (black) for the soldier because it stands out the most against the unsaturated background. I used an olive green for the rest because it is often used for camouflage and also does not pop as much as black does.

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