Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week 8- Photoshop (frame and text)

Quinn Niego
February 26, 2017

For these three Photoshop pieces I used a subtle main hue combination (red and blue) to create "pop" images that include a frame cutout and text. Red and blue are just about tertiary colors, which means that they create a more subtle combination than complimentary hues. The solid red layer is not excessively saturated which makes is somewhat dull. The blue pop hue does create focal points, but they are as noticeable as last weeks assignment because the blue has a darker value level. I used a generic blue to create the frame cutout to show variation in the blue hue, but to maintain a subtle approach. I created a little more pop by using red text that has a lighter value and higher saturation level. All these factors make these pieces unexpected and interesting.

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